Welcome to XMLgrrl.com! I’m your host, Eve Maler. On my personal blog, Pushing String, you’ll find commentary on digital identity, privacy, consent, digital trust, and assorted other topics.
You can reach me at eve-at-xmlgrrl.com, eve.maler-at-forgerock.com, and @xmlgrrl. Additional online homes are linked from the Welcome section in the right sidebar.
One way to get to know me is through the nicknames I’ve collected. I’ve had the pleasure of working on a crazy quilt of technologies, protocols, policies, and methodologies over the years, and various monikers related to them have stuck. The first was XMLgrrl, reflecting my part in the creation of the Extensible Markup Language (XML). The next was the SAML Lady, bestowed by a colleague based in Japan on the occasion of a trip to Tokyo to teach the Security Assertion Markup Language, the federated identity standard. More recently I became chief UMAnitarian, working on the User-Managed Access protocol and associated adoption.
Yes, that’s a cartoon, though based on a real photo of my head from, oh, 1998 or so. In the pre-blog era, I wrote a Web column on XML — sort of “advice for the parse-lorn”.
On July 14, 2014, I joined ForgeRock. Following is my work bio:
Eve Maler is VP of Innovation & Emerging Technology in ForgeRock’s Office of the CTO. She is a renowned strategist, innovator, and communicator on digital identity, authorization, security, privacy, and consent, with particular focus on creating successful interoperable ecosystems and fostering individual empowerment. Eve drives privacy and consent innovation for the ForgeRock Identity Platform, taking into account web, mobile, and IoT impacts. To this end, she guides the ForgeRock implementation of the User-Managed Access (UMA) standard, leads the UMA standards work, directs the company’s engagement in related standards such as Health Relationship Trust (HEART), and provides expert advice to forums such as the Facebook/Ctrl-Shift research effort A New Paradigm for Personal Data and the US Health and Human Services API Task Force. Eve was formerly with Forrester Research, PayPal, and Sun Microsystems, where she co-founded and made major contributions to the SAML standard. In a previous life she co-invented XML. In the dim past, Eve co-authored Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup. Eve enjoys singing bluesy-funky rock ‘n’ roll.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Hi Eve – plz call me or email me