The first Internet Identity Workshop in 2007 is coming to Mountain View in a couple of weeks, and just like last time, there will be an “un-talent” show on the Tuesday night. Kaliya has asked me to emcee, so let me take this opportunity to issue a Call for Parody Lyrics! Drop me a line or blog your ideas — or surprise us by simply showing up and performing… In that case, bringing song sheets with you is a good idea if you’d like others to fully appreciate your genius.
Dave Kearns wrote this week about a great Rainbow Connection parody by Wook Lee, setting the tone nicely for IIW hijinks. If anyone would like to perform this work at the un-talent show, you’ll find a very receptive audience (and probably a lot of recording devices).
I’m not going to sing, dance, or juggle, but I have an op-ed piece that I’ll do. I think it’s funny, but I have a weird sense of humor. Others might find it unfunny, so I reckon it would fit right in with the untalent motif.
Hi Eric– At the very least, it should be interesting. :-)