General · 2006-01-05

Things you don’t want your handbag to look like

Window displays like this have stopped me cold a couple of times this holiday shopping season. Why on earth would you want a Coach bag that looks like a pair of underwear? Worse, underwear that’s currently occupied?

A Coach bag with a problem
A Coach bag with a problem

It looks barely acceptable in its completely new state, but that little bit of slouch in the mall version makes a horrible difference.

UPDATE: I don’t know why this picture is coming out so small… Will see what I can do about that. But I now notice that it’s the “leg bands” in my photo that really give the illusion. Out of all of these choices, I don’t see one that exactly matches. The “Signature Duffel with Suede” seems to show off a nice little tush, though. :-)

UPDATE 2: It’s definitely the Signature Stripe Large Carryall. I have got to get over this obsession.