Security/identity · 2005-01-27

SAML V2.0 interop event

At this year’s RSA Security conference in San Francisco, OASIS will once again be running an interoperability lab showcasing SAML:

OASIS Federated Identity Interoperability Lab will feature companies from around the globe demonstrating interoperability using the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language Standard (SAML) v2.0 specification. SAML enables secure exchange of authentication, attribute, and authorization information between disparate security domains, which makes vendor-independent web single sign-on and secure e-business transactions possible.

This will be the fourth public interop event ever held for SAML, the first two having been done at Burton Group Catalyst conferences in previous years. SAML V2.0 is expected to enter balloting in pursuit of OASIS Standard status soon (V1.0 and V1.1 are already Standards), so this is good timing. If you’ll be at the conference, stop by to get a look at lots of vendors doing identity federation in perfect harmony!